Shannon’s life-long love of the arts began at the young age of 7 as a competitive roller skater in Austin, TX. As her roller skating career progressed, Shannon was invited to compete at the Regional and National levels around the United States. After about 5 years of roller skating, she transitioned into the dance world where she danced for her local middle school and, eventually, high school drill teams.
During her tenure as a Leander High School Blue Belle, she was given the opportunity to serve as Company Leader and 1st Lieutenant. The wealth of experience Blue Belles offered gave Shannon the ability to expand her team-building and leadership skills while broadening her dance knowledge.
Shortly after graduating from high school in 2001, Shannon was invited to be on staff with Half-Time Entertainment (HTE). HTE allowed Shannon to continue her passion for dance and reach out to up and coming dancers at various Line and Officer camps across Texas.
With this momentum, Shannon auditioned and was accepted onto the 62nd Line of the World Famous Kilgore College Rangerettes. During her freshmen year, she was selected as one of 10 elite dancers, known as the ‘Swingsters’, who was called on for additional performances. As her sophomore year unfolded, she was honored to serve her fellow Rangerettes as Left End Lieutenant. Throughout her, two years as a Rangerette, performances at Governor Rick Perry’s Inaugural Parade in 2002 and the Indie 500 in 2003 were among her favorites!
Shannon completed her Associate of Arts degree at Kilgore College in 2003 and transferred to Texas State University where she studied Biology and Business. Although her focus was on academics, she continued to pursue dance opportunities in the Central Texas area. She has happily appointed guest roles in the Texas State University Choreographer’s Showcase in 2005 and 2006. She also began assisting the Diamond Stars Dance Team in Round Rock, TX.